Speaker's Playground

Want to be a confident, knock-their-socks-off speaker
whose audiences say "Tell me more!" every time?

Join Speaker's Playground, your training & practice group where entrepreneurs, workplace professionals and community leaders become  memorable speakers  

Speaker's Playground is currently FULL.
Send us an email to let us know your interest
and we'll let you know when space opens.

  • You have something to say, a story to tell… but perhaps you don’t know how to tell it so you keep it under wraps.
  • You want to make a splash, have an impact, wow the people you’re speaking to… but the space between you and the stage feels like a million mile moat.
  • You want to be YOU when you speak, in all your authentic, quirky glory, but fear judgement if people see the actual you.
  • You want to give a talk that will be memorable long after it ends… but you run the other way every time you’re invited to speak.
  • You want to stop worrying about getting it right — break some rules, speak on your terms, tell it like it is, blow the roof off, make waves, but something you can't even put your finger on holds you back. 

At my most recent speaking event, I found myself connecting with people in the audience rather than blanking out. I felt confident and in charge, AND I had fun. I was amazed to see I actually had an impact.

Shannon Harriman, Where there be dragons

What if that pipe dream you have about speaking with confidence, power and ease isn’t actually a pipe dream, but right around the corner?

Speakers' Playground participants have:

  • Delivered much-dreaded talks in front of networking groups, gotten leads, had fun, and walked away excited for the next opportunity to speak
  • Led high-level meetings at work and had colleagues notice a change in confidence and presence
  • Told stories at the Boulder's Story Slam and WON the first time out of the gate.


I’m Johanna Walker. I know what it’s like to cower and disappear, to convince yourself you have nothing to say, to pass the power to someone else who “says it better” and hide in the back of the room. I also know the transformative power of speaking, of showing up fully in my voice and my genius, of showing the truth of who I am and letting that presence be the thing that attracts the people I’m meant to serve. I love helping passionate, inspired speakers and wanna-be-speakers share their messages with the world. 

I love seeing someone walk right up to her fear, shake its hand, and keep right on going. I believe you can speak for your business, give presentations at work or to your boss, your congressman, an investor—all with confidence, presence, and a little bit of your own personal flare.


I love this group. When I first found you, I was struggling with keeping my nerves in check and staying calm and focused during presentations. Now I know how to stay grounded and relate to my anxiety in a different way.

Auburn Meisner, Relationship coach

You could be the speaker who:

  • Raises your hand every time there’s an invitation to speak, because you know your voice matters, and you can stand in your confidence, eager to share your message with the world.
  • Has fun speaking. You own the room, connect with your audience, show up fluidly present in your body so you can navigate what’s happening in the moment, NOT be glued to a script that goes out the window when something goes off track.
  • Is willing to walk to your own edge and lean into what’s possible right on the other side of discomfort and fear.
  • Not only says yes to speaking opportunities that will transform your business and your life, but actually goes after them, because you have the skills it takes to OWN those opportunities that until now you only dreamed of.
  • Identifies and is known as a thought leader among your peers and beyond. No more holding back. No more hiding in the back of the room. No more apologies for what you know you have to say. No more excuses.
  • Shakes loose the status quo and speaks for liberation–your own and that of the people around you. Because you know the power of ONE SINGLE VOICE, and you’re ready to let YOURS be one that is heard in the world.

What is the Speakers' Playground?

The Speakers Playground is a unconventional, transformational experience in Lafayette, CO to help you gain confidence and develop the skills to be a confident and memorable speaker.

  • Theme-based sessions:  Each session we’ll focus on a different theme. (Connection, Presence, Managing Fear, Body Language, Vocal Power, etc)
  • Ongoing practice opportunities: At each meeting you’ll have the opportunity to get on your feet, connect to your body & voice (so they don’t betray you when it’s your turn to speak) and transform nerves into your battery pack of power.
  • Skill development: You’ll learn new skills for speaking, and will have a variety of opportunities to integrate and make these skills your own.
  • A community of new and seasoned speakers: You’ll meet other speakers who are on the path to using speaking to grow their businesses, advance their careers, (re)claim their power and change the world. They’ll be your cheerleaders, your practice partners, your vulnerability squad, your safety net. They might even be collaborators, referral partners, and new friends.


Because the truth is,
when you show up fully as yourself and speak truth that’s in your bones,
the things that have been in the way of your power can no longer stand.



  • This is not an online DIY program. You’ll get access to online content to support you in your home practice, but the magic happens in person, by showing up again and again to step right into the center of your discomfort in a room of others doing the same thing.
  • This is not a weekend retreat where you “get it all figured out in one shot.” Your patterns around speaking took a lifetime to set in. They’re not going to change overnight. Sustainable transformation takes time, practice, and returning again and again to the edge of your comfort zone, so you can watch it expand and grow exponentially
  • This is not a private package of one on one sessions. It’s about community–about the attention you bring and the attention you receive from the group. When it comes to speaking, the true value is in letting yourself be seen by others, again and again. You’ll get focused attention on you and your particular needs, and you’ll gain immense amounts of golden nuggets of speaking wisdom by bringing your attention to other people as well. If you want one on one support, let's talk. 
  • This is not a speech crafting course. We will develop content in the context of having something to work within our fine-tuning of delivery skills. Deeper content development is beyond the scope of this program, and can be specifically addressed in a private package or Craft Your Talk. 

  • This is not a course in how to get booked to speak. I offer that support to my private clients, and to Craft Your Talk participants. Speaker’s Playground can supplement that work, but is not that work.
  • This is not a place where I tell you how to hold your hands right, where to stand, or how many words it takes to talk for a minute. Those are important indeed, but they happen in the context of getting your VOICE and BREATH and BODY and HEART all in the same room, working together, making you shine, every time you speak, in your unique, quirky, there’s-only-one-you way.

In this practice and training group, you’ll learn the basics of public speaking, but I PROMISE you, it won’t be boring and it WON’T be like all the other public speaking classes you’ve taken, (or dreaded taking, as the case may be).

You’ll get connected to yourself, to one another, and to your audiences…over and over again.

To SPEAK in any situation with confident and authentic power is the most effective way to stand out in the crowd and influence the people you’re meant to serve.


Cuz that’s the only way to roll, right?

(And yes, you, it’s possible for YOU too!)

Words from past participants:

“Johanna, thank you so much for what you do! The class last night was excellent. Edgy, uncomfortable, fun, and full of the seeds of growth and change…”

Liz Wiig, Where There Be Dragons

“I absolutely loved yesterday. The exercises, the small group break-outs, and the large group sessions were all exhilarating, fun and completely transformational!”

Summer Howard, Planning Group Lead & Project Manager, Tetra Tech

"What a great bunch of human beings. I love the class, the people, the exercises, the extremely accessible and practical skills, and the FUN! You’re a wonderful and authentic speaker and instructor, Johanna. Thank you for sharing your passion with us!”

Patty Fahy, MD, Executive Coach, Fahy Consulting

“I still can’t believe how much fun this is. It is, though–and you are so good at what you do!! I feel so much less nervous about the 2 talks that I have to give at CU tomorrow after last night.”

Julie Maren, Artist


  • Speaker's Playground was rocking and rolling as an in person membership program pre-COVID. When COVID hit, we moved online and had a whole lot of fun in the virtual world. I paused the group in December of 2022, and now we're rocking & rolling again -- IN PERSON. The current session meets 2-3 times per month. There are flexible options for enrollment. We may start up another virtual group in 2024, so if you want to hear about that, email [email protected] to let us know.
  • You get training and coaching sessions, action steps for taking the work into your business and life, and lifetime access to online content, Public Speaking 101, which contains practices & meditations to help you stay on track between meetings.
  • You’ll also get special savings if you decide to work one-on-one with me or within my signature mastermind, Craft Your Talk.


Wednesday nights, 6:30-8:30  

July 17 & 31
August 7 & 21
Sept 4 & 18
October 2, 16 & 30
November 13 & 20
December 4 & 18


Nyland Co-Housing Common House , 3525 Nyland Way, Lafayette CO


What if I have to miss a class?

We've priced the 6 month commitment with the understanding that you will likely miss a few classes. If you make all the classes, that's great! If you join with the monthly option, you can make up 2 sessions after your membership ends. We're doing our best to stay flexible, AND have a committed group of speakers so the group can remain sustainable and you can get the most value.  

Can I come as a guest before signing up?

Yes! You're welcome to check out one session as a guest. Email [email protected] to schedule your guest session. We'll send you some orientation info to get you ready. 

Can I bring a friend?

Absolutely! Friends are always welcome. Email [email protected] to let us know when your friend is coming. 

Can I practice giving my talk with this group?

There won’t be time for you to work on an entire talk, but you’ll have a chance to work with parts of it in front of the group while working on specific speaking skills. You’ll also have a team of supportive companions on the speaking journey. Many past participants have organized impromptu practice sessions to support one another and serve as an audience to practice talks in front of. 

What if I want help crafting a talk?

Speaker’s Playground is a great place to work on delivery, presence and growing your confidence as a speaker. If you want help developing content, that’s much better done in private sessions or my group program, Craft Your Talk or What's Yours To Say. If you’d like to discuss one of those options, let’s book a Discovery Session and we can talk more about what’s possible. Here’s a link to schedule that.

Can I just watch?

Sorry. Nope. Everyone in the playground gets to be on their feet playing. Watching is an important part of the learning process, so you will be watching others work in front of the group and learning a lot from their experience. But you’ll be up next, so don’t get too comfy in that chair! That said, you always have the choice to opt out of any exercise (rest assured you won't ever be forced to do anything). But you'll see the value in taking the leap, so I'm willing to bet you'll want to! 

What should I wear?

Wear clothes that are comfortable to move in, and shoes that don't make you topple over. 

Can you work with my team?

Absolutely. I love working with teams and supporting them in growing their public speaking skills. Learn more about my company trainings HERE or schedule a call HERE. If you’d like to set up a time to talk or introduce me to someone at your company who would help move that project forward, email me at [email protected]. Tell me more about your business and what you’re looking for.

What if I don’t want to give talks but I just want more confidence?

The Speaker’s Playground is great for building confidence. Recently someone said, “I came to the Speaker’s Playground because I wanted to grow my business and get better at speaking. All that’s happening, but I’m getting better at LIFE.” So yes, you’ll find that your confidence will grow by leaps and bounds in all situations.

Still have questions? Email Johanna to find out more, or let us know your interest.



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