Talk Tapas

Small Bites, Big Ideas

Talks to build a better world


Join us for these courageous talks that will rock your world, open your heart, change your mind and make you lean in for more.

Sunday October 9, 2pm MT
Spark Theater, 4847 Pearl St,  Boulder, CO










What is Talk Tapas

These speakers have participated in an 8 week journey ~ "CRAFT YOUR (Uniquely-You, Client-attracting, change-the world) TALK" ~ to dig into their stories, their ideas, and their expertise and craft a talk to share with their audience, and with the world. 

You get to witness the World Premiere of these talks. If *you've* ever imagined giving a talk, or if any of the topics above spark your noggin, or if a friend or a colleague is speaking and you want to see them shine in all their glory, join us!

Meet your "Talk Tapas" Speakers

Camille L. Miller

The Role of Soul in Business: Bridging the Gap of Spiritual Growth and Business Success

Have you ever felt your spiritual side and your professional image were in conflict? Do you hide a piece of yourself to fit into the business world?  This talk gives you insight into the evolution of a new global model of highly successful evolved and authentic business owners, entrepreneurs, and conscious leaders who dovetail their professional and personal lives while awakening their financial and spiritual potential.  As a thought leader and pioneer of the Soul Professional Movement, Camille enlightens us with her vision to help visionary CEOs build robust businesses that give back in meaningful ways and help repair the world.


Melissa Reeve

Navigating Unknowns: Using Intention to Achieve Outstanding Outcomes  

In business, in relationships, with our health, and in life, we want to achieve the best outcomes possible. We often turn to goal-setting as a solution. However, goals have their limitations and the vast majority of people fail to meet them. Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA), as well as our own discomfort with unknowns, get in the way. Melissa uses her story and science-backed research to show us how to adopt a mindset that can lead us to success in our businesses, our relationships and our lives.

Ann Hackman

You've Had The Ruby Slippers All Along: The Three Virtues That Will Restore Your Health Immediately

You may think it's true that the approach you used to take in your 20 & 30s will lead you to health during this new season of life. You know, that drill of exercising a little more, eating a little less, and just pushing through.

But actually, the exact opposite is true. There's another way to approach health during perimenopause and menopause.

Ann Hackman, an Integrative Nutrition and Metabolism Health Coach will show you how to use three virtues you've had all along to live in your best state of health and well-being.


Terra Ramachandran

Going Beyond Just Fine: For Women in Mid-Life Who Are Sick of Waking Up Wondering, "Is this all there is?"

Are you stuck in a life that feels bland? Are you sick of "fine" being the best you can muster for describing your job, relationships, or life in general? In this talk, you'll hear one woman's story of how she lived "just fine" until panic attacks and debilitating anxiety woke her up to what it takes to live  a life of passion and meaning. Her discovery reveals how you can reignite your own soulfire!